How do Expectations work? (VIDEO)

Expectations measure the gap between what visitors hope to see or experience, and what they actually experience.

How do expectations work?

At the beginning of the test, before respondents see the brand or product they are evaluating, they are asked what their top two greatest hopes and concerns are for the particular experience. WEVO uses an open-ended elicitation question rather than having them select from a list of predetermined themes. 



In general the question follows this format:

“When [action] for a [product, service], what is  your greatest hope and what is your greatest concern?”

Note: The question includes variable content and is tailored to match the test goal.

Here is an example from an actual survey:

At the end of the test, after the participants have spent time in the experience or on the page, they are asked if the experience met, somewhat met or didn’t meet the hopes and concerns they provided earlier. The actual initial responses are piped into the question at the end.

How are results generated?

WEVO’s AI summarizes and themes the answers and the top themes and representative quotes are included.   Human analysts review the categories and categorization, check uncategorized answers for new themes- providing training (machine learning) for the model.

How to interpret results

The Expectations Gap chart displays the top themes that participants noted in the first question (before they see the page or experience).  As a rule, only themes that are selected by 20+ participants will be displayed. The themes are listed on the left side of the graph.

The length of the bar represents the number of participants who noted this specific theme, and the red, yellow and green in that bar indicates how many of the participants who chose this hope or concern found that the experience met (green), somewhat met (yellow) or didn’t meet (red) those hopes.  The qual statements below will provide more insight into why participants gave it that rating.

Overall, a bar that is mostly green, or in some cases green and yellow, indicates that the theme is addressed. However, bars that have a higher red percentage indicate an opportunity for improvement in the experience.