How can I best understand WEVO's scoring? (VIDEO)

WEVO provides an overall experience score, and breaks that score down into five diagnostics.

Overall Experience Score

This metric, consisting of an average of the theme scores, serves as an at-a-glance indicator of overall performance. This is a singular score measuring the design’s performance among the target audience.


Diagnostic scores 

Diagnostic scores measure the performance of the experience across five key factors that impact a visitor's experience. 

  • First Impression: Visitors’ instinctive (and unaided) responses to the experience 
  • Engaging: The extent to which the experience retains visitors’ attention and interest 
  • Trusted: The level of trustworthiness and authenticity that the product, service or brand conveys through the experience 
  • Valuable: How effectively the experience conveys the value of this product or service and motivates visitors to consider it and take the next step 
  • Intuitive: Visitors' ability to find the information they are looking for, and the ease in which they interact with it

Diagnostic scoring questions 

Each diagnostic score is associated with a scoring question in the WEVO survey. WEVO has two types of scoring questions:

Word Buckets

Emotion Faces Scales

Transforming the raw responses into scores

WEVO uses a proprietary method to transform the raw responses to the scoring questions into the scores you see for each diagnostic. All diagnostic scores are on a 0-40 point scale. 


WEVO uses a proprietary scoring method that includes diagnostic, industry and product-level normalizations. It is the only UX experience platform that provides benchmarks for a study, based on a dataset of tens of thousands of user responses. All WEVO tests are compared against other tests in the same industry/product area and type (e.g. B2B vs. B2C). Standardized scoring methodology allows us to measure the effectiveness of a user’s experience of a digital product. This can be useful both for tests of a product “as is,” or to establish both baseline and rate of change in a “before and after” test. 

Based on the product category and industry, a benchmark is added to each score to identify how far it is from the median result. 

  • A red bar equals a standard deviation or more LOWER than benchmark
  • A green bar is a standard deviation or more HIGHER than benchmark
  • A gray bar meets the benchmark

Note: 99.7% of results fall between a score of 7 and 37. Target mean is 22 with a target standard deviation of 5.

How diagnostic scores are displayed

In the WEVO platform, diagnostic scores are displayed on a graph. In the WEVO platform, the graph will stretch to fit the test’s diagnostic score range. Most often, the graph appears with 30 at the top number on the Y-axis. However, it can stretch to 40 when scores are particularly high, and it can also reduce to 20 or 10 if the diagnostic scores are particularly low, although such low scores are rare. Regardless of what number is displayed on the Y-axis, the diagnostics will always be on a 40-point scale.