What is the role of WEVO's analysts?

WEVO’s in-house, US-based team of expert UX analysts perform insight synthesis, find central themes in the qualitative and quantitative data, review all test data and write the study’s Key Findings summary.

Multidisciplinary team: incisive and nuanced 

Our data storytellers come from a diverse set of backgrounds, from PhDs and social scientists to analytics specialists and marketers, including young professionals and those with decades of know-how. The team also has a Lead Analyst and Insights Director, who develop use case-specific templates to best fit unique test types.

Our research experts are insights analysts with experience in both qualitative and quantitative research methods, including agency work, consulting and academia.

This interdisciplinary mix is by design. WEVO’s goal is to bring together discerning, creative minds with varied areas of expertise and professional perspectives to uncover compelling insights from every data set. 

WEVO research experts undergo a rigorous training program in our proprietary methodology, continuous learning opportunities from senior analysts and team leadership to share best practices, hone storytelling skills, and sharpen the team’s understanding of WEVO’s constantly-evolving and constantly-improving platform as new features and capabilities are added.

You can learn more about our expert analysts here.